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the first things to check


Run showmount -e <server> on the client. This will list list the available exports on the server:

[root@client1 ~]# showmount -e server.example.fake
Export list for server.example.fake:
/export *
/pub    192.168.56.*

In this example, server.example.fake has two mounts available: /export and /pub



krb5 problems

rpc.ggsd not running

Mount will hang if a sec= option other than sys (which is the default) is used:

Jul 26 18:12:29 client1 kernel: [485467.135178] RPC: AUTH_GSS upcall timed out.
Jul 26 18:12:29 client1 kernel: [485467.135182] Please check user daemon is running.
[root@client1 ~]# service rpcgssd restart
Restarting rpcgssd (via systemctl):                          [  OK  ]
[root@client1 ~]# ps wwuax | grep rpc.gssd
root       876  0.0  0.1  39376  2572 ?        Ss   Jul21   0:37 rpc.gssd -vvv
root      5271  0.0  0.0 109100   836 pts/0    S+   18:21   0:00 grep --color=auto rpc.gssd

couldn't connect to server's rpc.svcgssd

XXX show weird mesg

user not authenticated

XXX show weird mesg

no supported enc types


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